Ever have a project that you really wanted to work on but all the other dozens of things that need to get done seem to muscle their way to the front of the line? Me, too.

That’s why I’ve been planning since spring to take the month of October off from the majority of my work-work. I’m flipping the script of what my typically American ethics dictate I oughtta be doing. I am lucky enough to tell work-for-a-paycheck work to take a breather for a bit.

You, Lifetime Goal. Off the bench. I’m giving you your shot.

What’s The October Project All About?

What project I hope to put a major dent in will come later in the month. What you’ll see here will be my somewhat daily updates about how I am taking measures to put me first. That might be saying no to sticking around for the plumber. Or sending the dog off to daycare so I can be heads down on this project without puppy eyes begging for a walk. Or actually taking an entire morning off for some mental clarity without feeling the pull and guilt of a waiting deadline.

It’s about me this month. And it’s about damn time.

It’s Your Project, Too

This newsletter will be your forum, also. I’m encouraging you to pick up that dusty ol’ project and make it new. Work on it every day. Then come over here and tell us how you’re doing. Maybe you need some ideas of where to head with your project, or how to treat yourself kindly today, or even just lurk in the background and be encouraged to find your own passion project.

The October Project begins October 1. Take a breath and dive in with me.

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Checking off the "you never know until you try" box.


A farm-raised food and garden lover and sharer of information with a knack for setting a table for everyone.